Our Mission

Our mission is to use expert diagnostic neuropathology, coupled with research, to understand chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and other brain pathology that is associated with repetitive head injury in sport and elsewhere.

We empower families and loved ones by providing accurate diagnoses, and we use donor tissue for biomedical research into CTE and other brain disorders.

Our Vision

Our vision is for Australia to be a nation that recognises and acts on CTE and other brain disorders associated with repetitive head injury. We will provide help and advocacy for those individuals and families affected. We are working to achieve our vision through:

Educating the public and medical practitioners about CTE

Connecting affected families to create a support network

Facilitating world class research on CTE through our brain donor program

Our Team


Associate Professor Michael Buckland is the ASBB Founding and Executive Director


Michael Buckland is a senior neuropathologist and the Head of the Department of Neuropathology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Head of the Molecular Neuropathology Program at the Brain & Mind Centre, University of Sydney, and Co-Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia Brain Bank.


 Doctor Andrew Affleck is the ASBB Manager


Dr Affleck is a Senior Hospital Scientist at RPA, and has built his career around his passion for brain banking. He manages both the ASBB and MS Research Australia brain banks. He has more than 10 years’ experience in the collection, characterisation, and storing of brain tissue for research, with a focus on neurodegeneration. Andrew brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the ASBB, and he is committed to continuing efforts to further understand CTE.


Monica Clarke (RN) is the ASBB Brain Donation Specialist Nurse


Monica is a clinical nurse consultant with a background in organ transplant coordination. With over 15 years of clinical nursing experience, she’s committed to improving future outcomes through ongoing research, whilst providing compassionate advocacy, support, and education for individuals and families affected by CTE-related challenges.


Associate Professor Catherine Suter is the ASBB Chief Scientist


Dr Suter is responsible for the direction and scientific integrity of ASBB tissue research. She is a world recognised expert of research into environmental influence on disease risk, particularly epigenetics.  Dr Suter brings this expertise to the study of CTE to understand the disease, and to develop ways to diagnose it during life. 



Amanda Green is the wife of the late Paul Green and is a proud Ambassador for the ASBB


Amanda is passionate about raising awareness of CTE and its symptoms, so no one else suffers in silence. With two young sports loving children herself she understands first hand the importance the research the ASBB is doing to protect the brain health of our next generation of athletes. 



Dr Jennifer Cropley is the ASBB Data Scientist


Dr Cropley is a senior research scientist expert in the analysis of large datasets. She brings her experience to the ASBB to spearhead population-based studies on the long-term outcomes of concussion and repeated head injuries in contact sports. 


Associate Professor Alan Pearce is the Research Manager ASBB - Victoria


Associate Professor Pearce is a neurophysiologist who has spent 20 years researching sports-related concussion. Specifically his research program, using electro physiological techniques, particularly transcranial magnetic stimulation, centres on brain physiology to quantify cognitive and motor impairments in the acute phase post-concussion, and chronic manifestations of repeated concussions associated with mental health and neurological impairment. 



Renee Tuck is the ASBB Families Ambassador.


As sister of the late Shane Tuck, Renee has lived experience of how CTE can impact families. She generously donates her time to the ASBB to help educate and raise awareness of CTE. Renee feels passionately about supporting other families who are going through loss due to this disease.